JobStack: The Only Job Search App You Need

With PeopleReady’s job search app, JobStack, flexible jobs in a variety of different industries are right at your fingertips.

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PeopleReady's job search app, JobStack

Job apps, also known as job search apps or gig apps, are all about quick, convenient access to a wide variety of job opportunities. With PeopleReady’s job search app, JobStack, flexible jobs in a variety of different industries are right at your fingertips.

Haven’t used JobStack before? Check out our guide below so you can start working as a PeopleReady associate today. Our guide includes:

The benefits of joining PeopleReady and our job search app, JobStack

  • Step-by-step instructions for getting started with JobStack to find flex jobs
  • Additional resources available to all PeopleReady associates using JobStack
  • Advantages of using PeopleReady + JobStack to find flex schedule jobs

A world of opportunities opens up when you become a PeopleReady associate. You can apply for flexible jobs (also known as temp jobs) across several different industries such as retail, hospitality, events, construction, general labor and more.
Here are just some of the many benefits you can expect when you sign up with PeopleReady and our jobs app, JobStack:

The freedom to set your own work schedule

We get it: Work isn’t the only responsibility on your plate. Whether you prefer evenings, weekends or daytime shifts, JobStack gives you the option to accept flex jobs that fit your routine. This ensures better work-life balance for college students, working parents, military spouses or anyone else with a busy schedule.

The power to explore a variety of job options

Many job seekers are interested in trying out new roles, but they may not know where to begin. If this sounds like you, JobStack is the perfect way to get started. With convenient access to flex jobs in a variety of industries, PeopleReady lets you explore different roles that match your interests.

The possibility to gain experience and learn new skills

When you sign up with PeopleReady, you gain immediate access to a wide range of flex jobs across a variety of industries. Plus, each new job you take on gives you the chance to enhance your skill set. You can set yourself up for long-term growth and success by building on your existing skills or gaining entirely new ones.

The opportunity to find flexible jobs based on your preferences

Our jobs app, JobStack, is designed to give you a personalized experience. The more you use the app, the better it understands your specific job preferences. That means you’ll see even more jobs that appeal to your interests and align with your schedule, simplifying your job search even more.

The ability to get paid quickly for each job you accept

After each completed shift, you can confirm your hours directly within the app. Once your hours are approved and your payment is ready, you will receive a notification in JobStack right away. With many flexible jobs offering daily or weekly pay and flexible payment methods, you can earn income on a schedule that suits your preferences.

Step-by-step instructions for starting with PeopleReady’s job search app, JobStack

Ready to start your job search with PeopleReady? Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of our JobStack job search app.

Download JobStack and start applying for jobs

The first step is really that simple. In the Apple App Store or Google Play, search for and download the JobStack for Work app. Then complete the registration process to become a PeopleReady associate. Now, you’re ready to start your job search!

As you browse through available jobs, you can review the details of each listing to find the best fit. Each listing specifies the date, time, pay rate and location. You’ll also see a full description of the duties and responsibilities along with any other specific requirements. This helps ensure that you only match with jobs that fit your specific skills and interests.

Accept the PeopleReady jobs that interest you

Accepting jobs through JobStack is easy. Once you’ve entered your skills and job preferences, the app will recommend jobs that are most relevant for you. Just accept the ones that work with your skills and availability, and you’re good to go.

You can also adjust your job search location and preferred distance and update your profile with new skills and experiences, plus any certifications or licenses. This may make you eligible for more advanced roles with us. Our team can collaborate with you to gain access to PeopleReady jobs that require additional skills, ensuring you’re well-prepared and positioned for success in your job search.

Receive your job confirmation and get ready to work

Once accepted for a job, you’ll receive a confirmation message with all the details right inside the app. Be sure to double-check the date, time and location of your new job so you can show up on time and ready to work.

To complete the check-in process, simply confirm your arrival in the app. Just like that, you’re on the job. If you’re unable to make your shift, you can withdraw from the job through the app. In such cases, we request that you notify our team as soon as possible.

Enjoy quick and easy payments each time you work

When working traditional jobs, you often have to wait until the pay period ends to receive your earnings. However, by working with PeopleReady and our job search app, JobStack, you can access your money faster with our convenient payment options.

One of our preferred payment options is the Wisely Global Cash Card, which acts just like a debit card and can be used to make purchases online and at in-store locations. If you’re interested, we will send you a Wisely card as soon as you’re fully onboarded as a PeopleReady associate. Meanwhile, direct deposit is another convenient payment option available with PeopleReady.

Turn on notifications for access to all the latest flexible jobs

In today’s fast-moving job market, things move quickly. What if there was a way to speed up your job search so you wouldn’t miss out on good jobs? That’s what JobStack does — it helps you find the most popular jobs faster and easier, so you can take advantage of the opportunities that suit you best.

As you continue using JobStack, remember to enable app notifications so that we can let you know about new jobs as soon as they are posted. This puts you in the best position to secure in-demand jobs before they’re filled. You can also receive important alerts such as job invitations, changes in shift times and shift cancellations.

Additional resources for PeopleReady associates using our jobs app, JobStack

The success of our PeopleReady associates is our No. 1 priority. You can learn more about PeopleReady and our jobs app, JobStack, with the following resources.

PeopleReady associate FAQ

You can learn more about being a PeopleReady associate by reading our frequently asked questions. If you have other questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact one of our PeopleReady team members using the contact information included on the FAQ page.

PeopleReady associate success stories

Curious about what it’s like to work with PeopleReady? Explore our associate success stories for a firsthand look at the benefits our associates have enjoyed through PeopleReady and our job search app, JobStack. Visit our success stories page to gain valuable insights into the exciting opportunities available with us.

JobStack information and resources

JobStack has many exciting features that can help simplify your job search. For more details on how to use the app, including short how-to videos for specific features and functions, you can check out our associate resources page.

Additional support for your experience as a PeopleReady associate

Our friendly PeopleReady team members are available if you need help navigating JobStack, or if you’re looking for any other support related to your job search. For any questions or further information, reach out to our support team today.

PeopleReady’s app, JobStack, is the best job search app for you

PeopleReady always puts people first. We want to help you find a job that suits your skills, interests and schedule. Our team serves hundreds of communities across all 50 U.S. states, so you always have convenient access to flexible jobs, including part-time jobs and temporary jobs as well as more long-term roles.
With JobStack on your side, you can find PeopleReady jobs in a variety of industries, including:

You can also check out our job search website to see all the latest job listings in your area. Now, let’s get started!

Looking for flexible jobs?

PeopleReady, a TrueBlue company (NYSE: TBI), specializes in quick and reliable on-demand labor and highly skilled workers. PeopleReady supports a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing and logistics, retail and hospitality. Leveraging its game changing JobStack staffing app and presence in more than 600 markets throughout North America, PeopleReady served approximately 83,000 businesses and put approximately 226,000 people to work in 2022.