How Staffing Flexibility Benefits Your Business

Recent workforce changes have made job seekers reconsider what they want in their next position. Discover how staffing flexibility can benefit employers and employees alike.

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Flexible staffing

Flexible staffing solutions can help your workforce as well

The nature of work has changed over the last few years, with employees desiring different benefits from a new job. While competitive wages are still important, many people pursue jobs with flexible hours. In a Qualtrics survey, 73% of respondents said they would turn down their “dream job” if another position offered more flexibility. In order to help you attract the best candidates, our staffing experts share how employers can benefit from increased workplace flexibility.

Enhanced worker productivity

Staffing flexibility drives employee engagement, often leading to improved performance. According to a Gallup study, an engaged workplace experience results in 40% fewer quality issues and 21% higher profitability.

There’s also the positive impact on employee health to consider. At times, workers may need to run errands, go to doctor’s appointments or attend to family obligations. The Society of Human Resource Management notes that in the past these employees would often take a sick day since they couldn’t take just a few hours off from work. Mental Health America states that well-rested employees are more motivated and energetic at work and take fewer sick days. Losing workers for an entire day rather than a few hours can impact productivity and place undue stress on your employees.

Staffing flexibility can solve this issue by allowing workers to see to personal needs but still get the job done. Moreover, jobs with flexible hours provide greater work-life balance, which has become more important to workers since the COVID-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation. In turn, a positive work-life balance leads to higher productivity.

Improved worker retention rates

In 2022, 47 million people quit their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). While many people have returned to the workforce, retention will still be a significant issue for employers moving forward. A LinkedIn study found that 61% of workers are considering leaving their jobs in 2023.

One of the keys to employee retention may be the adoption of staffing flexibility. Eighty percent of workers are more likely to remain loyal to a company that offers them flexible hours, as it shows them that their employer respects and cares about them.

Providing staffing flexibility is also essential for retaining working parents who make up 40% of the workforce. In fact, there are 24 million more parents who are no longer in the workforce due to schedule inflexibility, which makes childcare difficult. Flexible staffing solutions can help retain this key workforce demographic while also solving the ongoing labor issue of attracting new candidates.

Stronger chances of attracting more applicants over time

The oldest members of Gen Z were born in 1997 and are taking their first steps in the labor market now. Attracting this new generation will be key for your future success. Gen Zers want long-term, stable careers, but are also willing to quit if their goals or work-life balance needs aren’t met.

An Axios Harris Poll determined that nearly 50% of Gen Zers are willing to take a pay cut to have a more flexible job. Meanwhile, 75% said that flexibility is the primary benefit they’re searching for. Since most blue-collar jobs don’t offer flexible schedules, this could be a key differentiator for your business.

Keep in mind that you can use job postings to advertise your flexible staffing solutions. This convenient scheduling can also help Gen Zers grow within your company. If they’re taking direct-to-career programs on their own time, the skills they learn may apply to your business, and your support can make them more likely to stay in the long term.

How your company can provide staffing flexibility

Many types of flexible schedules can be beneficial to your workers and your company. Some of the most common flexible schedule types are:

Customized work hours (flextime): With manager approval, workers can choose their start and end times provided they are at the workplace for specified core hours. Flextime is especially popular among working parents and employees with a significant commute.

Self-scheduling hours: The hospitality sector is most likely to use self-scheduling, but more industries have adopted it since COVID-19. Workers select their own shifts on a first-come-first-serve basis, affording them to work at the most convenient time. This also benefits employers, freeing them from the confusing and time-consuming process of creating a schedule themselves.

Shift work: Shift work has been used primarily in manufacturing but has now become more common in other industries. A shift work model has groups of employees doing the same job in different rotations. This model is popular among parents and younger workers who are splitting their time between work and school.

Staggered hours: Workers will start and end work at different times of day to accommodate for commutes or conflicting appointments. Business owners also benefit as this allows them to scale their workforce depending on their daily needs.

PeopleReady matches you with flexible staffing solutions

When your staffing needs change, you need workers who are available quickly to prevent unexpected staffing shortages from affecting your productivity. PeopleReady’s staffing experts can help you devise a flex staffing plan that’s customized to your company’s specific needs. We are active in 600-plus market across North America to provide a wide range of staffing solutions.

Meanwhile, since changes can occur at any time, our JobStack staffing app gives you access to candidates 24/7. You can fill openings at one or multiple locations with as many workers as you need. Additionally, JobStack keeps a record of your workforce, so you can invite your best individuals back for future assignments. PeopleReady has workers available in a variety of industries, including:

  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Construction
  • Renewable energy
  • And more

Looking for workers in your area?

PeopleReady, a TrueBlue company (NYSE: TBI), specializes in quick and reliable on-demand labor and highly skilled workers. PeopleReady supports a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing and logistics, retail and hospitality. Leveraging its game-changing JobStack staffing app and presence in more than 600 markets throughout North America, PeopleReady served approximately 83,000 businesses and put approximately 226,000 people to work in 2022.