PeopleReady had been providing associates for internationally renowned moulding manufacturer and distributor Alexandria Moulding for over 10 years, but they had begun considering other options to meet all their staffing needs. At the time their production plant in Moxee, Washington was experiencing considerable growth and robust demand. Unfortunately, other staffing agencies seemed to be unable to provide them enough support across all their different roles.
When Alexandria Moulding’s main staffing contact left the company, PeopleReady saw an opportunity to rebuild their partnership and recommit to their efforts of providing excellent customer service. We reached out to the new staffing contact person to see how we could help supplement their current workforce.
After a series of conversations, Alexandria Moulding called PeopleReady to inquire about staffing for some of their upcoming projects. Over the next few weeks, they continued to gain more trust and confidence in PeopleReady staffing solutions, and soon began requesting additional workers each week. PeopleReady now connects them with a broader range of associates than they had in the past, including cleaning crew members, order fillers and cutters.
After several months of success and a string of positive reviews, Alexandria Moulding has made PeopleReady their go-to staffing agency for a majority of their staffing needs across a variety of roles. Depending on the project size and complexity, PeopleReady delivers up to 15 to 20 associates for each project.
Alexandria Moulding sees the greatest benefit in getting high-quality associates in a short time frame — or even next day in some cases. They also appreciate the availability and transparency of their PeopleReady representatives. As a result, PeopleReady has developed a great working relationship that’s built to last.
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